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Simply Homeschooling

For the past year I have read many books on homeschooling, How to, as well as just getting down to the heart of Why’s. I recently borrowed the book Simply Homeschooling from a friend ( I will eventually get it back to you Kimberly) There are so many great ideas and thoughts to take in all the way throughout the book, but so far one of the most profound thoughts for me has been the idea of just staying home. It has given me cause to reflect on why we chose this path and what is best for our family. I am by nature a homebody but these past few years, especially as our children get older, things seem to keep getting busier, and I find myself constantly on the go.  So I’m rethinking my schedule and working on ways to keep us home more often, I can already think of all the great homemaking skills we can work on with the extra time and of course all the extra snuggling while reading.

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