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Apples, Apples, Apples

I have been trying to throw in this  Apple Unit since we started school, but somehow I haven’t been able to make it work. This week I decided to just do it. We had actually started the story of Johnny Appleseed, which is a part of curriculum, so it really worked out. Then I had a creative block, seriously I just couldn’t think of any real fun things to do for apples, so I looked at some great sites and a friend let me use some great resources and today we had a blast.


johnny puppet We made these Johnny Appleseed  puppets after reading another book about him.

painting We made apple prints with apples. This didn’t turn out like I had hoped but they had fun anyway.

sink float We did a sink or float activity starting with just an apple and carrot. This quickly expanded to other fruits and vegetables. They loved this. I will have to do this at another time with other things. We talked about what makes them sink or float.

applesauce  We made homemade applesauce.

yum  Very Yummy.  yummy    Very Very Yummy     eating