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The journey

I’m not hooked on the name, I just needed something to put down so that I can get started with this blog, so don’t be frazzled when you show up here one day and there is something completely new greeting you.  I’m using this blog as a journey through our homeschool experience.  Because I’m so new at this, the only thing I can offer is a peak into our ups and downs, successes and failures.

We began thinking about this  Journey about 5  years ago. I was in a bible study with several other women, most whom had been homeschooled. I remember being entirely impressed by their general knowledge and the way they carried themselves. It was the mother of one of these women that began speaking to me about first being a stay at home mom to my soon to be first child and then about the benefits of homeschooling. It was not until I held my daughter in my arms that these things became important to me.

Fast forward to last year. The reality that my baby was about to enter kindergarten got me moving into high gear. I began to research curriculum and talk with other homeschooling moms and their children. With the help of a very generous friend I decided to start out using Sonlight. She had offered me the use of many books and I pieced the curriculum together from used homeschool bookstores and the internet. I am using several other programs as well, that I’m sure I’ll get into more detail with as the days move along. Right now I’m pleased with the choices that we’ve made but only time will tell I guess.

One Response

  1. You are so brave to begin this endeavor and I know you are doing it for all the right reasons. I am so proud of you and Steven for putting the interests of your children above your own. They are wonderful, caring, sweet children and are so eager to learn. I know you will open up new horizons for them to explore and they will not miss the public school atmosphere. They are so socially well behaved and fun to be around. We look forward to more reports, stay positive even on those days when nothing seems to go right. We all have those. Keep your chin up, be steadfast and keep us up to date with what’s new in the Taylor house/homeschool!!

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